Here is my 1/48 scale TF-102.
The basic kit was the original Revell-Monogram F-102 with the
Case XX wings, with the C & H TF-102 conversion.
Due to both the gloss finish she was eventually to wear and the
amount of body work I knew was in store, I rescribed all the upper
surfaces. The bottoms of the wings I left alone.
My ADC gray was Testor's Model Master Aircraft Gray (FS 16473)
with about 40% insignia white added. Some of the photos Mr. Lucky
supplied showed some pretty worn and patchy finishes on F-102s. I
mixed a slightly darker shade of my basecoat and sprayed some random
patches and panel lines to give a slightly used finish. I followed
that with a little streaking of brown and black artist's oils. No
pre-shading or post shading. For those that care about such things,
I use a Paasche H airbrush.
The tiger badge transfer was a five separate color
(black/white/red/yellow/orange) you-put-it-together-in-layers
affair that I applied to a bit of clear decal film.
It worked marvelously!